Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jump in the Moment - June News from Lindsay White

So I turn 28 on June 8th. I've always (since high school) felt like I was running out of time. Lots of people laugh at me when I say that since I'm still pretty young. But you can't help but feel what you feel. I am happy to announce that even though I still feel like I'm running out of time, it is a much better feeling than it used to be. I used to feel like I was not miserable, but not exactly happy either, and I was running out of time to find true joy. Now I feel like I've finally found happiness and there are only so many precious moments of it left. V and I started a new routine called "Jump in the Moment". Here's the rules if you want to play along: At some point in your day just stop what you're doing for about a minute. Close your eyes and picture yourself literally jumping into that moment. Don't think about anything behind you or anything ahead of you. In that very small amount of time, find yourself aware of that precise moment and decide what you appreciate about it. Say that thing (or things) out loud. The goal is to practice this awareness until it is with you always. My life consists of tirelessly trying to make things happen for my music career, which means I spend a lot of time ahead of the moment. This is my way to counter-balance and I hope you can find some use in it too. Hmmm, I just decided to write a song called Jump in the Moment. That means that you, readers, have inspired me to write a song today. That is what I'm thankful for in this moment.

On to business:

*The Forget Me Nots just had an awesome house concert last week. I have so much fun with that adorable little band of ours! Let me know if you ever want to host a FMN jamboree at your house! (Or spread the word to any hosts you know)

*The Lovebirds are playing TONIGHT at Belly Up Tavern. We've spent the last few days preparing an AWESOME rendition of Lisa Sanders' "Tell Me Daddy" - you don't wanna miss it! 8:30pm

*I have taken a 30 day break from Facebook. Good for the soul. It's time to go outside and play in the summer sunshine. I'll be back in July!

*Be on the lookout for a new Lindsay White will feature new press photos and up-to-date blogs about my crazytown life. Basically an awesome way to stalk me.

*I will be featured in upcoming Music Issue of Curve Magazine! I'm super excited about that one...stay tuned for more details!

*Lindsay & the White Lies & The Lovebirds will be playing sets at this years SD Pride Festival...mark your calendars!

*and the best news yet...I am going back into the studio at the end of June to start recording my second album, as well an album with The Lovebirds. Forget Me Nots & White Lies albums will follow later this year...I am peeing-in-my-pants excited to be working with Jeff Berkley on all these projects.

You guys make my day for reading this every month. And thanks to those of you who respond with feedback- makes me feel like I'm not just sending this newsletter into a black hole of nothingness. Happy June!!

hope to see you tonight at the Belly Up! i probably won't be wearing this dress.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lindsay!
    I just sent you & Veronica info for our show on August 6th. If you want to send me an email, I'll be happy to send the info that way since you're off FB for the month.

