Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why Obama should Come Out of the Closet

Yo Pres-

I get it. You can't just come out and say the words "I support gay marriage"- even though you essentially said it back in Chicago over a decade ago. For now, we have to wait until your opinions on the matter "evolve." You expect us to understand that you need to get re-elected before it's safe enough to fight for us. First, you want our money and our support - THEN you'll step in the ring. Wink, wink. Scratch, scratch.

Back in 2008, I looked around and all I saw was a sea of slimy spineless politicians. I thought you were different. You were doing the yes-we-can-can, mopping the floor with McCain, brushin' your shoulders off, and pretty much just shitting inspiration everywhere you went. Not only did you have a spine - you had balls, and I (a lesbian) liked that (for a change). So I voted for your ass. Now I just feel like I have to vote for your ass again since no one better has come along. And you're counting on that, you sly little fox.

A small part of me feels sorry for you. It can't be easy or comfortable to go to sleep every night on a tightrope. It can't be easy sitting up there on that tiny fence.

A large part of me is rolling my eyes at you. Let me break down each side of that fence for you, dummy. One side is overflowing with people who not only believe that "God hates fags", but also believe that this is a sound political argument. They may not all be shouting it on the street corner, but to varying degrees, that's their position. Oh yeah- most of them hate your guts. On the other side of the fence stand a whole bunch of people who just want to be given equal treatment & protection under the law (and yes, even the terminology needs to be equal, not separate). These people understand the beauty of religion but also recognize the dangers of using it as a political weapon. These are my peeps, and they're your peeps too. No matter what you do (cough, like kill Osama bin Laden) those other kids are never gonna think you're cool. Stop agreeing to buy them beer.

which side of the fence are you on?

Another little part of me is...well, it's my middle finger. Tonight at your fundraiser in

NYC, you said "New York is doing exactly what democracies are supposed to do. There's a debate; there's a deliberation about what it means here in New York to treat people fairly in the eyes of the law." You are essentially saying you KNOW as the leader of our country that allowing same-sex marriages would be considered fair treatment in the eyes of the law, but whew, good thing they're voting on it so you don't have to take an official stance! Are you mental? Get the net! If you KNOW this, then SAY you know this! We want the first black president, not the umpteenth yellow one! I voted for Yes-We-Can, not I-Might-Try

You could learn a thing a two about courage from the LGBTQ community! It's not easy being honest with yourself but it always pays off and you know it gets better. Come down off that fence, step out of that political closet, speak your heart, stop trying to be all things to everyone and start being true to yourself. Winning an election is not worth losing yourself.

tell me we wouldn't be the most kick-ass married couple in the world

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Just keep circles?

Most of the time I try to display a postive attitude, especially in my blogging. No one likes a whiner. But it's not always Tony the Tiger Grrrrrreeeeaat in Lindsay Land. Sometimes it's just Grrr. So hopefully you will forgive me for the following rant. I'm going to write it exactly as it's coming out of my brain, no filter. Maybe at least then you will find humor in my frustration. Thank God I do.

I got my hair cut bright and early in Pacific Beach. Every time I drive there it's like the Ghost of Lindsay-Past is riding shotgun in my honda. I'm half-terrified of running into my ex-husband but also half-wishing he will emerge out of the CVS by my bank so we can share in the heartfelt forgiveness festival I so desperately crave. I imagine the reunion in my head until I finally run the red light at Ingraham & Grand and snap out of it. Never gonna happen Lindsay.

Alright so haircut came and went without incident. I went full on lesbian with a cute little bob. Saturday morning is always my work-on-the-business-side-of-music time. I high-tail it out of PB (still terrified) and into Bird Rock. My efforts to support mom-n-pop at Bird Rock Cafe are thwarted by overpopulation so I end up in an iceberg called Starbucks across the street.

Commence frustration.

I update my one-sheet to include new promo pics and new press (like next month's feature in Curve Magazine...yea bitches!). Then I initiate the terrible game of musical prostitution, I mean promotion. What music supervisors will actually give me a listen? Google, google, google. How do I find their contact info? Google, google, google. What do I say that will make them even remotely interested in listening to my music? How bout- heyyyyyy, I'm super gay! Please put my music in your super gay tv show or movie so people can stop associating lesbians with terrible music. Do I really need to learn all this legal bullshit...why do I have to have my own publishing company? I need an assistant. Or manager. Or assistant manager. Aaughhghgh how is it 3pm all of a sudden? Why does the guy next to me want to sit so close to me when there are plenty of other places to sit in Starbucks? What mother let that pre-teen leave the house in shorts that short? My thighs would demolish those shorts. I should work out.

Ok focus Lindsay. Let's try a different direction for now. How can I generate some reviews/articles/interviews for the album? Google, google, google. Who do I contact? Google google google. What can I say to make myself sound interesting? How bout- check out my music I am an awesome songwriter. I write the best fucking lyrics if you would just listen to them for one goddamn second. Probably not the best approach.

Then I do the worst. I resort to name-dropping my own girlfriend out of this wicked insecurity that people think I'm completely untalented and insignificant without her. I know it's not true but it's all about other people's perception in this biz. Does San Diego see me as Lindsay White or Veronica May's girlfriend? I'm proud to be both but I work so fucking hard by myself for myself. Bueller? Wah, wah, self-pity.

Whew. Ok it actually felt pretty good to get that out. At this exact moment Joy Ride by The Killers came on my iTunes and made everything better. Hopefully my music does that for somebody out there. That's what it's all about after all. Everything else I just whined about doesn't even matter. I just turned my own frown upside down by blogging. Now I'm wondering if I should even post this. Eh, why not?

There's another 11 year old trying to slut it up. For the love of God, San Diego mothers, get it together.
where your daughter will end up in shorts like that.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Chuck E Cheese - Where a 28 year old can be a kid!

Just wanted to write a quick note to say thanks to everyone who came to my birthday party at Chuck E Cheese on Wednesday! It was a blast and reminded me that age ain't nothin' but a number. Highlights of the night were:

1. They served 2 types of wine out of a tap- chardonnay and blush.
2. Kristine Vandenberg went to TOWN on one of those pop-up smash games. Hilarity.
3. Chocolate-hazelnut cake. YUM! V had to call a "cake finder" to find such a cake. Apparently there are people in the world who provide this service for free.
4. This picture. If we ever send Christmas Cards, this will be the photo we choose:

V put so much thought into this birthday and made it really special for the entire day. She gave me the best present ever, which you can watch below. You may not understand a lot of the little inside jokes but in a nutshell it is the story of us. Every little detail is an important memory we share together. Who would have thought that a hula hoop and hairless polar bear could find love? I still can't read/listen to it without crying. I love that woman and I love my life.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Prop 8 Reflections...

I was sorting through old documents and found this little note I wrote in response to the ruling on Prop 8, while I was still married, before I had even come to terms with the fact that I was gay. Thought I'd repost and ask for your thoughts:

I feel I need to speak out on this marriage nonsense. (I may ramble, but I think I should write everything I’m feeling about this)

As someone who was raised for many years in a Baptist church, I understand why some people think that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Christians, just like any other group of people, can’t be pigeonholed into one belief system. Some Christians choose to believe every single word in the bible as fact (right down to the rib of Adam). Some Christians choose to focus on the “fire and brimstone” message of eternal punishment for sins. Some choose to believe that being gay is one of those punishable sins. Some choose to believe that judging other people’s sins is a sin. Some choose to believe in the message of God=Love and nothing else matters. You know what’s awesome about Christianity, and any other religion (or non-religion) practiced in the U.S.? People have the choice to believe what they want to believe, as long as they do not harm others.

Now for many years, I just believed whatever authority figures told me (preachers, relatives, etc.). I didn’t really question much, and I didn’t really think about people outside of my little world who had other beliefs. I thought marriage should be between a man and a woman because a handful of people told me this is what I had to believe, and I was afraid I’d go to hell if I believed otherwise. (As a side note, I also thought I’d go to hell if I had sex before marriage, which resulted in HUGE trauma that I still struggle with today). I was never taught to hate gay people (some people do, and I just can’t figure that one out…hating is frowned upon in the bible), but I was supposed to think of their lifestyle as a correctable error. I was constantly reminded by this at every holiday function as I’d view my family virtually ignore my cousin and the “friend” that she’d bring over to family dinners.

When I finally got out of the little town I’d been raised in, I realized there was more. More everything. More culture, more religions, more races, more political parties, more philosophies about life in general. My relatives like to think of this as the time I was “brainwashed by a liberal university.” True, my university (in its curriculum, but strangely not in its own policies) took a left stance on anything race, gender, justice-related. But I had grown up in my small town “absorbing” whatever my church and my family said, and when I went to college I was tired of just absorbing and ready to think for myself. To make a long story short, I don’t think I was brainwashed in college as much as I was given a good rinse. I think the balance of my upbringing combined with my college education made me a very open-minded person. I find it hard to judge groups as a whole, because there are well-intentioned, good-hearted people in every group. Conversely, I find it hard to identify solely with one group because there sure are a lot of idiots in every group too.

I was an American Studies major, and I think I find this country so interesting because it is (and always has been) such a hypocritical place to live. I think this gay marriage ban is just one more example in a long, long history of hypocrisy. People love the U.S.A. because we have a Constitution that guarantees every citizen equal rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and everyone’s favorite—the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. There is also a separation of Church and State, which saves everyone from religious persecution. This is where I think some people lose focus. Some love to say that our country was founded by people who fled Europe to escape religious persecution. Then they love to say that’s why there should be no separation of Church and State… because we should be a Christian nation (“our forefathers were Christian!” they say). And as a Christian State, we should uphold marriage as a Christian tradition that can only be practiced by heterosexuals. Hmmmm… Let me get this straight. Religious persecution is bad, so let’s start a new country with laws that persecute people who don’t believe what our religion dictates? It don’t make no kinda sense! Let’s try imagining a U.S.A. where Christianity wasn’t the dominant religion. (And hold on to your hats, because we will probably see this U.S.A., if not our children.) Wouldn’t these people be glad to know they were protected by a separation of Church and State?

Now I want to talk about the word marriage. It seems to me that this word is the serious hang-up. The slogan for the Prop 8 Campaign (which had huge support and funding from the people I was talking about in the last paragraph) was “Protect Marriage.” They want to protect a religious belief. That’s awesome. Religious beliefs should be protected. You will find that many of these people do the “I have gay friends” dance and will swear up and down that they believe gay partners should have the same rights as married people, but that they just don’t think it’s right for them to “marry.” Marriage is too religious of a word. (Even though there’s a whole other discussion to be had on how “sacred” it is). Let marriage be a word used in churches, however each church feels they should use it. And let there be some other word used in a court that is blind to sexual orientation. Instead of a marriage license, it can be called a civil union contract, or something to that effect. “Marriage” will be protected, and yet everyone will still have equal rights. I understand it is a compromise, but meeting in the middle is a good start.

I know what’s coming next. The slippery-slope theory. What if a man wanted to marry a goat? This is stupid and I don’t think it should even be dignified with a response. All I’ll say is a goat can’t sign a freaking court document. We live in a country where people fake-marry their cats. Strange things happen every day.

I know what’s coming after that. This issue was voted on, and since we live in a democracy, we need to respect that this Proposition was passed by voters. To this I will say that CIVIL RIGHTS should not be put to a vote, especially not one that was decided by a very narrow margin.

To my friends and family who are happy that marriage has been “protected” in California, I want you to know that I am glad you have a right to choose what you want to believe. I would never want to take that away from you, and I’m not even mad that you feel the way you do, because that would make me a hypocrite. But I would ask you to put a face on this issue. GLBT people are your relatives, your friends, your co-workers, your neighbors. We’ve learned this lesson as a country a thousand times over: separate but equal is the real slippery slope.

What are your thoughts?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ladies, come work out with me!

Yo peeps-

I've been going to Bootique Fitness in SD for the past month...I tried it via one of those online coupon thingies and I've decided to continue going. Here is why:

-You work to your own level of comfort, yet the trainers still provide motivation to push harder.
-The other peeps in the class are nice and everyone's around the same level of fitness so it's not intimidating.
-Trainers are motivating but not scary.
-They do free events every once in a while
where you can bring your friends. For example, Veronica and I hiked Torrey Pines with them this weekend and it was beautiful!
-There is a flexible class schedule and a lot of different purchasing options. For example, my schedule is wacky so the unlimited monthly membership doesn't work for me, so I purchase "points" that never expire. That way I don't ever feel like I'm wasting money.

Here is me before. Hahahahaha

And here is me after. Even funnier.

I kid, I kid. But I do feel a lot healthier and have dropped some poundage. Would love to have some friends join me at the Hillcrest class! (But they have classes all over) If you do sign up, please write my name in the referral box so they give me some love for giving them new business!
Forward this on to your peeps too! And if you have a second, please share on your FB since I'm on a little facebook hiatus :)

Here's the link:
Join the fun at female boot camp for just $89
For only $89, receive one month unlimited of outdoor fitness boot camp with San Diego’s most popular trainers for women at Bootique Fitness. Trim fat, firm your bottom, strengthen your core, and burn up to 800 calories per workout.

Accelerate your results with this FITNESS & NUTRITION package, you will receive
  • 30 days Unlimited Bootique 4 Her Boot Camp classes (Value $227)
  • A completely customizable nutrition plan (Value $50)
  • 2 nutritional webinars (Value $100)
  • 2 complete body assessments with body fat analysis to measure your results (Value $100)

Hope to see you there!


PS: Valid for first time clients only. Offer expires Friday, June 10th. Cannot be combined with other offers. May attend any Bootique 4 Her Boot Camp at any time and location (mix and match). You will receive a confirmation with instructions on how to redeem this offer immediately after you purchase. Certificate Expires 1/31/12.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jump in the Moment - June News from Lindsay White

So I turn 28 on June 8th. I've always (since high school) felt like I was running out of time. Lots of people laugh at me when I say that since I'm still pretty young. But you can't help but feel what you feel. I am happy to announce that even though I still feel like I'm running out of time, it is a much better feeling than it used to be. I used to feel like I was not miserable, but not exactly happy either, and I was running out of time to find true joy. Now I feel like I've finally found happiness and there are only so many precious moments of it left. V and I started a new routine called "Jump in the Moment". Here's the rules if you want to play along: At some point in your day just stop what you're doing for about a minute. Close your eyes and picture yourself literally jumping into that moment. Don't think about anything behind you or anything ahead of you. In that very small amount of time, find yourself aware of that precise moment and decide what you appreciate about it. Say that thing (or things) out loud. The goal is to practice this awareness until it is with you always. My life consists of tirelessly trying to make things happen for my music career, which means I spend a lot of time ahead of the moment. This is my way to counter-balance and I hope you can find some use in it too. Hmmm, I just decided to write a song called Jump in the Moment. That means that you, readers, have inspired me to write a song today. That is what I'm thankful for in this moment.

On to business:

*The Forget Me Nots just had an awesome house concert last week. I have so much fun with that adorable little band of ours! Let me know if you ever want to host a FMN jamboree at your house! (Or spread the word to any hosts you know)

*The Lovebirds are playing TONIGHT at Belly Up Tavern. We've spent the last few days preparing an AWESOME rendition of Lisa Sanders' "Tell Me Daddy" - you don't wanna miss it! 8:30pm

*I have taken a 30 day break from Facebook. Good for the soul. It's time to go outside and play in the summer sunshine. I'll be back in July!

*Be on the lookout for a new Lindsay White will feature new press photos and up-to-date blogs about my crazytown life. Basically an awesome way to stalk me.

*I will be featured in upcoming Music Issue of Curve Magazine! I'm super excited about that one...stay tuned for more details!

*Lindsay & the White Lies & The Lovebirds will be playing sets at this years SD Pride Festival...mark your calendars!

*and the best news yet...I am going back into the studio at the end of June to start recording my second album, as well an album with The Lovebirds. Forget Me Nots & White Lies albums will follow later this year...I am peeing-in-my-pants excited to be working with Jeff Berkley on all these projects.

You guys make my day for reading this every month. And thanks to those of you who respond with feedback- makes me feel like I'm not just sending this newsletter into a black hole of nothingness. Happy June!!

hope to see you tonight at the Belly Up! i probably won't be wearing this dress.