Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 23- Wake & Walk

I can't believe GULP is so close to being over. 5 more days!

It's hard to believe that just 3 weeks ago, I was deep down depressed. I look at the videos of songs I was posting at that time and I feel like I'm watching someone else. Someone really really lost. I am so thankful to not wake up feeling like that every day.

The one thing I haven't really been able to jump start during my GULP project is exercising. I play bball about once a week, but I know I should be doing more. I have made a lot of mental/emotional progress, but I know physical activity goes hand-in-hand with staying positivie. This morning, I slowly started integrating this into my life again. Nothing too crazy. I woke up this morning and took a walk to the top of Kate Sessions Park. It is a beautiful way to start your morning, regardless of the exercise factor. What a fabulous view of this spectacular city we live in.

I want to use these walks in the morning as another way to gain clarity, so on my way up the hill, I practiced something resembling prayer/affirmations/gratitude. Then when I got to the top, I sat on a bench and quietly attempted to meditate/receive. Unfortunately, the loud garbage trucks didn't get the memo. I'm sure I'll eventually be able to tune them out, but it was my first try! Next time: headphones & ambient music.

Now don't get me wrong, I didn't even break a sweat, but it felt good to be outside. And I have noticed that today was probably the least negative and most energetic I have ever been on a Monday here at the office. Excercise: keeping employees from stabbing their eyes out with a stapler since the dawn of cubicles. : )

Band practice tonight. I have a big show on Wednesday. I smile just thinking about how awesome it's gonna be. And I'm even okay with the fact that I still won't be able to drink that day.

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