Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 16- All you need is love

I am baffled by how much my outlook has changed in these 16 days. I feel like I have opened my heart and mind and all the good things in the world just keep rushing in. When I first started blogging, I remember writing something about love being the most painful thing I've ever experienced. But I am starting to see that love doesn't have to hurt if you don't let it. In the last couple weeks I have learned that love is EVERYWHERE. And it's not the kind of love you feel between your legs. =) It is honest and real and seeks no satisfaction other than to just exist.

I know you may think I'm talking crazy, but I swear, in giving up life's pleasures, I have also found a way to give up whatever control I thought I had. Even though there is so much uncertainty in my life, I feel lighter and calmer than I ever have in my whole life. Instead of trying to be the queen of my small dark world, I am now an eager student of the massive beautiful universe. I feel lucky to be here.

And because I am more positive, I'm finding myself drawn to positive people. Tonight I met a woman who was awarded one of SDSU's first female athletic scholarships as a result of Title IX. Her eyes welled up with proud tears when she talked about it, and I felt so much love in my heart just listening to her story. At last nights open mic, a guy sang a song he had written while at a bus stop. It was about how much love he felt for all the strangers hustling and bustling around him. The chorus was literally "I love everbody." My heart was bursting with joy, and I felt lucky to be in the room. Two weeks ago, I know I wouldn't have experienced these moments in the same way. I probably wouldn't have experienced these moments at all.

I will close by saying that some people have said they may be interested in trying something like GULP. I still have a long way to go, and I know I won't always be so elated with elightenment, but I HIGHLY suggest this project to you if you feel consumed in any way. By time, by stress, by your job, by heartbreak, by loss, by guilt, etc. Just do it. I plan on doing different versions of this project like once a year just to "reset" myself. And as icing on the cake, you get to donate to worthy causes in the process. Win mother effing win. Good night all, my thumbs are tired from iphoning this entry!

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